Research Portuguese Language and Culture

Academic chairs

Camões, I.P. established academic chairs at foreign universities committed to researching and teaching a wide range of subjects, including linguistics, literature and other arts, history and post-colonial studies. The main purpose of these chairs is to enhance the status of Portuguese as a scientific language.


To support research, Camões, I.P. has the following available programmes:

  • Research Programme;
  • The Pessoa Programme;
  • Protocol Camões, I.P. / Fundação Eça de Queiroz;
  • Protocol Camões, I.P. / Fulbright Commission;
  • Protocol Camões, I.P. / Centro Nacional de Cultura.


To support student courses, Camões, I.P. has the following:

  • Grants for Summer Courses and Annual Courses in Portuguese Language and Culture;
  • The Vieira Programme, in the areas of translation and interpreting;
  • The Fernão Mendes Pinto Programme, in the area of scientific and educational training.

Support infrastructures

Portuguese Language Centres

Portuguese Language Centres/Camões, I.P. are places of logistical support for teaching, learning and researching as well as strengthening Portuguese cultural expression. Founded in partnership with universities and international organisations, these centres are integrated with libraries, music and video archives and computer and multimedia facilities.

Teaching Co-ordination Units

Based in Portuguese Embassies and Consulates, the Teaching of Portuguese Abroad Co-ordination Units (CEPE), are freely available to the lecturers of the Teaching of Portuguese Abroad (EPE) network and provide logistical support.