

 Resources Location
Portuguese Cultural Centres -
Portuguese Co-operation Centres -
Teaching Portuguese Abroad - Co-ordination -
Associated Schools and Centres  -
Language Centres Windhoek
Academic Chairs -
Lectureships Windhoek - Universidade da Namíbia

Portuguese Cultural Centres

There are no Portuguese Cultural Centres available in this country.

Portuguese Co-operation Centres

There are no Co-operation Units available in this country.

Teaching Portuguese Abroad - Co-ordination

There are no Teaching Portuguese Abroad - Co-ordination available in this country.

Associated Schools and Centres

There are no Associated Schools and Centres available in this country.

Portuguese Language Centres


Nome Camões – Centro de Língua Portuguesa em Windhoek
Universidade Universidade da Namíbia
Abertura 2008
Responsável Rui Afonso
Morada Camões – Centro de Língua Portuguesa
University of Namibia
Private Bag 13301
340 Mandume Ndemufayo Ave.
Pioneers Park
Tel: (00264) 61 206 3854; 61 206 3096
Fax: (00264) 61 206 3863
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

univ namibia

Universidade da Namíbia


Academic Chairs

There are no Academic Chairs available in this country.


Windhoek - Universidade da Namíbia

Nome Leitorado de Português na Universidade da Namíbia
Cidade Windhoek
Universidade Universidade da Namíbia
Leitor Rui Luís Gonçalves Afonso (Despacho de Nomeação)
Leitorado de Português
University of Namibia
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Language and Literature Studies
Portuguese Section
Private Bag 13301, Pioneers Park
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

univ namibia 1

Universidade da Namíbia