Learning and Teaching Portuguese as a Non-Native Language

The course aims to meet the basic training needs of a diverse group of professionals (teachers, educators and others) who work (or intend to work) in the area of teaching Portuguese as a Non-Mother Tongue (Second Language and Foreign Language). It aims to bring together trainees with different and mutually enriching personal and professional experiences in this area.

However, given its propaedeutic profile, the course is also suitable for anyone who, having met the entry conditions, shows an interest and curiosity in the subjects to be covered.

General Objectives of the Course

To promote (i) an adequate understanding of the diversity of sociolinguistic, psycholinguistic and linguistic profiles of learners of Portuguese as a non-native language; (ii) awareness of the processes involved in acquiring and learning a non-native language and (iii) awareness of the basic principles of instructed language learning.

Characterization of the major linguistic difficulties faced by learners of Portuguese as a non-native language.


The course lasts 50 hours and is structurally organized into 4 themes:

  • Theme 1. Mother tongue vs. non-mother tongue (foreign language and second language (5h);
  • Theme 2. Bilingualism/s and L2. Towards a definition of the profiles of L2 Portuguese learner (9h);
  • Theme 3.Interlanguage/s and fossilization; transfer of LM and transversal mechanisms to LM. Critical linguistic areas of PLNM learners (14h);
  • Theme 4. The role of teaching in the acquisition/learning of an L2. Implicit acquisition and/or explicit teaching of grammar: contributions to the discussion (22h).

Tuition fee

EUR 250.

Admission Requirements

B2 level Portuguese (writing skills). Applicants are advised to check B2 level description provided in the Portuguese version of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
CV and letter of motivation will also be assessed.

Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Mode of Study

Full-time regime, e-learning and after working hours.

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Qualitative scale (Excellent, Very Good, Good, Satisfactory); Quantitative scale (0 to 10).

The course is accredited by the Scientific-Pedagogical Council for Continuous Training [CCPFC] with registration n. CCPFC/ACC - 114553/22.

For the purposes set out in paragraph 1 of article 8. of the Legal Regime for Continuing Teacher Training, this action is relevant for the purposes of career progression for Teachers in Groups 200, 210, 220 and 300.

For the purposes set out in article 9. of the Legal Regime for Continuing Teacher Training (scientific and pedagogical dimension), this action is relevant for the purposes of career progression for Teachers in Groups 200, 210, 220 and 300.

The trainee who completes the course with approval (minimum of 5 final classification values) may request a diploma issued by the University of Coimbra, subject to the applicable fees and charges.

For more information, visit the Fees and Fees page at www.uc.pt/academicos/propinas/emolumento.