
As a member of various international organisations, Portugal is committed to fulfilling certain reporting obligations.

Concerning the OECD/DAC Report, Portugal as an OECD/DAC member and donor has an obligation to report on an annual basis its total amount of development funding. This is done by completing the following:

  • Preliminary OECD/DAC survey
  • Final OECD/DAC survey
  • Survey on Aid Allocations and Indicative Forward Spending Plans (FSS)
  • Other surveys.

With regard to the EU Report, as a member of the EU Portugal must respond to any requests concerning development co-operation for which Camões, I.P. is responsible for the following information:

  • EU financing accountability report
  • EU implementation of development effectiveness principles
  • Other surveys.

The Global Partnership for Aid Effectiveness is another of Portugal’s commitments in the area of effective development (in line with the Paris, Accra, Busan and Mexico declarations), in which it participates through Camões, I.P. during the joint monitoring process between the OECD/DAC and UNDP in tandem with the partner countries in order to assess the degree of implementation commitments in the area of effective development.

In terms of the information systems of partner countries, Camões, I.P. sends information for updating these systems, in particular the Aid Transparency Portal (ATP) in East Timor and ODAMOZ in Mozambique.

Regarding national and international partners, Camões, I.P. is also committed to responding to a wide varity of requests relating to development co-operation both at home and abroad.